Return to play quickly & safely

Sports Injuries
From minor strains and sprains to major injuries requiring rehabilitation following surgery, we have the experience and expertise to diagnose, manage and treat your injury and get you back to your sport quickly and safely.
We also provide comprehensive pre-season programs and return to sport screening for athletes of ages, all sports.
Acute Sports Injuries
Injuries that result from direct trauma are described as ‘acute’ sports injuries and usually involve loss of movement, pain and swelling, Examples are
Ankle Sprains
Muscle strains (hamstrings, groin, calf, quads)
Rotator cuff injuries in the shoulder
Knee injuries (ligaments, menisci)
Overuse Injuries
These Injuries often develop slowly over time and can be the result of chronic overloading, over stretching and poor biomechanics (technique or posture). Common examples are
Shoulder and hip bursitis
Tennis or Golfers Elbow (Tendonitis)
Achilles Tendonopathy
Patellar pain (kneecap tendon or alignment issues)
Shin splints
Stress fractures of the feet and shins
Osteitis Pubis
Accurate diagnosis and early management will ensure optimal recovery and help prevent further or ongoing problems.