Keep the kids Active over the holidays
In WA the school year is almost over, so for those families with young children, keeping them actively entertained for the next 6 weeks can be quite a challenge!
Listening to an interview on TV last week the presenter asked a group of ten year olds what they wanted for Christmas – All but one wanted some sort of digital entertainment – iPad, X-box games, mobile phone etc. – ONE wanted a puppy!
Active kids are more likely to grow into active adults This is reflected in statistics from The ABS Health Survey regarding physical and sedentary behaviour in children which indicates:
Only 1/3 of children (5 – 17 yrs) did the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity every day.
Less than 1 in 3 children (5 – 17 yrs) meet the “no more than 2 hours of screen based entertainment every day”
These are likely the children who grow up to part of the 70% of Australian adults who don’t meet the recommended levels of weekly physical activity!
If you’re thinking about what to get the kids for Christmas or how to keep them entertained over the school holidays, consider things that will encourage them to get up, get outside and get moving!!!
How to get your kids active
I had this discussion with a group of ladies after a Seniors exercise class last week and was met with a heap of suggestions like Hula hoops, skipping ropes, hopscotch, elastics (remember those!!), cricket sets, pool toys, gardening sets, water guns – this list is endless!
Spend time outside and active with your kids, setting a good example and being active with them is a great start.
Click here for some great tips on keeping your children active.